Current Weather, Tide, and Wave Information
for Coastal Washington & Puget Sound

Webcams on the Coast

Oregon Coastal Webcams                     North Head, WA & Columbia
River North Jetty
Long Beach, WA     Westport, WA  Ocean Shores, WA Moclips, WA La Push, WA at First Beach
Oregon Coast Webcams    North Head, WA & Columbia River North Jetty    Long Beach, WA Westport, WA Ocean Shores, WA Moclips, WA La Push, WA

Note - Near real-time web cameras on the coast, loading of the images may be slow.


Real time wind speed data at 5 to 10 minute intervals for TODAY from the U.S. National Weather Service. Wind speeds are in miles per hour. In some reports you will find wind speeds shown, for example, as 10G25, this means that the 5 or 10 minute average wind speed is 10 mph with GUSTS to 25 mph.

  1. Weather Underground Interactive Map for Southwest Washington
  2. Neah Bay, WA
  3. La Push, WA
  4. Ocean Shores, WA
  5. Westport, WA
  6. Toke Point, WA (Willapa Bay)
  7. Long Beach, WA
  8. Astoria, OR (Airport)
  9. More Washington Surface Stations

Weather Forecasts

Marine Forecasts

Click for Coastal waters from Cape Shoalwater Washington to Florence Oregon Marine Forecast Click for the Inland waters of western Washington and the northern and central Washington Marine Forecast National Weather Service Network Radar Serving Coastal Washington


Tide & Current Predictions for Today and Tomorrowfor Oregon

Tide & Current Predictions for Today and Tomorrowfor Washington

Astoria, OR: Current tide levels Toke Point, WA: Current tide levels Westport, WA: Current tide levels

Waves, Pressure, Wind Direction, etc.

Northwest Buoy Marine Data from NOAA's National Data Buoy Center Actual & Predicted Significant Wave Heights for the Pacific GOES Infrared Satellite Image of the Northern Pacific Current Wave Heights for the Pacific from Oceanweather inc. Wave Height, Direction, SST, etc. for the Grays Harbor CDIP buoy Computer generated Pacific Northwest Weather Forecasts out to 72 hours (animated)